Sunday, February 24, 2013

7 quick and easy way to create a natural beauty

You want to look your best without spending a lot of effort? How about a regular skin care, hair care and make-up, which takes a few minutes in the morning?
Here are seven tips to help you maintain the natural beauty:

1. For a start, note the condition of the skin. You may need to visit a dermatologist if you have severe problems such as acne, age spots, etc. The doctor will pick you a special program of procedures to restore the skin. If no problems, then choose to store creams and lotions that are suitable for your skin type.

2. Choose three or four subjects makeup, without which you can not live, and only use them. Gradually try to reduce the layer of makeup applied to the face. For example, if you paint five layers of mascara, try to apply 2, then change to a less bright shade, etc. The same applies to the foundation (reduce the number of layers).
7 легких и быстрых способа создать естественную красоту
3. In the hot season be sure to use sunscreen and sunglasses. Skin, especially on the face, it is suffering from the effects of direct sunlight, and faster than the old, and around the eyes from direct soschurivaniya wrinkles.

4. Go to the hairdresser and make correction of eyebrows. Regular shape eyebrows - an affordable, fast and natural way to elegance. Let a professional make you the correct shape of the eyebrows, and then you are able to adjust them in the home.

5. Stylish haircut. This is a very important element of beauty. Refer to the best stylist. It will help you to choose the most suitable hairstyle.

6. Make your own natural cosmetics at home. Internet allows you to find a lot of recipes for all kinds of masks for hair, face and body, which use natural ingredients. Most likely, you already have most of the components in the refrigerator and pantry.

7. And most importantly, a proper diet, eating raw fruits and vegetables, vitamins and healthy night's sleep. Make yourself daily schedule and stick to it. As is known, the beauty comes from within.

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