Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Xipa Ratan - live without food in 1995

Xиpa Ратан - живёт без еды с 1995 годаJuly 18, 1995. Hira Ratan Manek live only by solar energy and water. Occasionally, according to the custom of hospitality or social reasons, he drinks tea, coffee and buttermilk. To this day, he had three strict fasting, during which he lived only by solar energy and water, and was under the control and supervision of the various scientists and medical teams.

When Manek came to the U.S., the local researchers found that this Indian and in the case can not live without food. Carefully examined all physiological parameters of his body - the experiments conducted by Dr. Patel from Jefferson University. But no. Everything was normal. Someone once say that about such things, we have already heard, but either a pathology or another hoax. Well, in fact - we are not plants! Can a human body to turn into some sort of light-sensitive cells and transform sunlight into energy of his own body? Indian Hira Ratan Manek says it is - a very real thing. "We, the people who live mainly by secondary solar energy that we require, and to use the plants, because their growth and development are completely dependent on the Sun" - said Manek. All you need to do - is to learn to absorb solar energy directly from its original source. And he did it.
Manek was born in 1937. Became a mechanical engineer. He had quite a successful service career. But then came the feeling of meaninglessness materialistic aspirations. In 1962, almost by accident (or accidental nothing happens?) He came to the ashram of Sri Aurobindo called Pondicherry. The woman continues the work of Sri Aurobindo after his death, looked at the mannequin and said, "You must carry on the ground solar energy to help the Higher reason descend upon mankind." For a while he did in this direction did not. But then, much later, met a man, endowed with special powers and a lot of knowing. He looked at the crowd, and his eyes fell on a mannequin. And the man told him the same thing as the women in the ashram. But really at Manek know what he should do. He walked barefoot for a long time in the sun but learning all that, it seemed, could be relevant to his intentions. And then suddenly began to notice that all the food it needs less energy and it only increases.

One day he came to my mind that solar energy should be addressed directly to the brain. How? Through the eyes. He began cautiously, step by step, to accustom his eyes to direct sunlight snow. Physicians, which Manek asked for help, have expressed an interest. And when asked if he was ready to sacrifice a year of their lives in the cause of science, he replied, "yes." He left the family (with their consent) and devoted himself entirely to research. They were held at Ahmedabad (Gujarat). It was decided that Manek starve year - 355 days. But when that time has passed, he decided to continue the experiment. So he spent 411 days without food. However, this was not the first long fast. In the previous case, where a dummy did not eat 211 days, he first lost so much weight - 41 kg! A blood sugar dropped to 43 units. Medicine says that the figure is below 50 should not go down - it is dangerous. Even then, he did not lose muscle mass. Now, after 411 days of fasting blood sugar level was normal as, indeed, all other indicators of health.

MD Neurologist Sudhir Shah was one of those who carried out this unique experiment, and he says that the whole medical team relentlessly followed the subject, leaving it unattended even for a minute - day or night. Its isolated, placed in a separate box, not given to communicate privately with his family. And February 14, 2001 experiment ended. All the while, Manek drink only boiled water, and then only from 11 am to 4 pm, and - no food! Health all he was all right. During this time, many scientists had a chance to wonder. For example, a 401-day hunger Manek own, without any help (hoti around was about 500 fans and followers), climbed a mountain Shatrundzhay (Palitana), and did it in just half an hour. Is not that astonishing?

Now came a particularly difficult moment - for physicians - had all somehow explain. It is not in the Himalayas, this was not some sort of a jungle, and in the big city, in a modern hospital, in front of doctors, religious leaders, journalists, and scholars. But scientists know very well what happens to the body during long absence of food. First, the body uses carbohydrates. Then there are ketones in the urine. Burned proteins. The body draws from all of its store-fats, and eating them. But even before that person becomes gloomy, irritable, his logic and sober thinking pass. All vital parameters are reduced, and in 8-10 weeks is a threat of physical existence. Here there was nothing of the sort. Normal intelligence, good health, no depression. What can there be an explanation? Religious motivation? This is important, but the physiology is physiology. Maybe this person is genetically different from the rest, he has a different phenotype? Or he really makes energy from solar and somehow dispose of it in your body? There are several hypotheses, and specialists will answer many questions. Just say that to some of these answers are not found even today.

Still, something interesting is already known. In the so-called chronic adaptation to starvation (after about 16-30 days) metabolism and actually slows down. Cells of the body are only oxygen and water. In the brain centers of hunger are suppressed, but the active centers of satiety, saturation. People adapt and can lead normal activities, consuming only 500-600 calories. But maybe Manek indeed "Solntseedy"? After all, the same people have learned to build a solar-powered devices and a variety of mechanisms - heaters, stoves, even cars. So, maybe, and the body can become a sort of mechanism that works as a solar battery? The entire plant life thrives on chlorophyll and photosynthesis. If a person still need to figure out whether or not he receives solar energy through the body or is it through the "aura" of his body, which is sort of the modulator. More research is needed here. And if through the eyes, what in this case is the light sensor? We can assume that the retina. Or the pineal gland - the so-called "Third eye." Their cells, obviously, are a kind of photoreceptors. However, if this process actually involved the pineal gland, its activation may serve as a regulator, fine tuner to the entire endocrine system. Due to melatonin it regulates circadian rhythms, sleep-wake cycles and also slows down the aging process. The pineal gland also inhibits the growth of some tumors called metastasis. It has a stimulating effect on the immune system. And due to serotonin and it is involved in mental activity, including associated with extrasensory perception.

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