Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How not to gain weight during the holidays

Already stalking New Year holidays. How can you give up your favorite Olivier, cakes, mandarin and other goodies? That's right, nothing! It's all sacred, and holidays without feasting, it's not the holidays. Therefore, we share with you some tips on how to still not gain weight during the holidays.
For a start, we need to agree with yourself that you step back a little from your diet for a while. This is to ensure that you are not gnawing conscience, while you sit with your family for the holiday table.

Как не набрать вес во время праздниковIt is very important not to starve yourself all day in anticipation of 31 pm, when you can finally eat. In this situation, you probably will not be able to control myself and eat everything you see. And, of course, is more than necessary. After all goodies you always want more - in store!

Refuse supplements if you offer it. Do not yield to the entreaties to eat more, "this little piece of cake," since then have to struggle with the weight you, not them. Set a goal - I eat only one plate and nothing else does not overlap.

Do not eat up no one else. If the children have left the food on their plates, so they have gorged. And adults are not necessarily "clean up" everything. Do not want to now - they want later. First, you do not eat more than you want, and secondly, you and the child will not mind. They want to be as adults, and that they had a "private" plate at the holiday table that no one else will not touch.

If you refrain from eating very hard - talk. Keep a leisurely conversation. In that case, you can not eat and talk at the same time. And if the conversation will be of interest to you, then the appetite will disappear by itself.

Do not eat / try when cooking holiday treats, or when clearing the table. Several years ago, a study was conducted which found that housewives try their food, eat a lot more than if they took all and normally ate. Not necessarily to try a dish for salt, the main thing is not to overdo, and if someone would be enough - put the salt shaker on the table.

And if you still have overeaten for the holiday table, do not scold yourself. In life, anything may happen. Just forgive yourself for this act and lose weight on. Delicious you holidays!

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