Sunday, February 24, 2013

Who can not lose weight.

What do most women, when critically examines himself in the mirror? That's right, firmly decided to diet to get rid of the accumulated extra pounds. However, not every woman can afford to lose! All doctors, nutritionists are unanimous that strongly not recommended to engage in experiments in the field of weight loss to young girls with the unsteady menstrual cycle: reduction in dietary fat can disrupt the formation of female hormones - estrogen, which in turn will lead to instability of the menstrual cycle and even the inability to conceive. In addition, at this age, when the body will receive less necessary set of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro-and micronutrients, can dramatically worsen the condition of teeth, nails and hair.

If a woman is planning to have a baby soon, the sharp reduction in weight it is contraindicated, and if a woman is already pregnant, it is not about losing weight out of the question: for normal fetal development it requires proper nutrition.

It is not recommended to lose weight rapidly during menopause and pre-menopausal. Unfortunately, at this time, most women begin to gain weight: the ovaries reduces the production of estrogen, begins rebuilding the entire body, as evidenced by such symptoms as high blood pressure, hot flashes, menopausal neurosis. Not wanting to put up with the leaving out of control forms, middle-aged woman trying to actively resist flowing in their body processes, sitting on a diet. But it should be remembered that estrogens are formed not only in the ovaries, but also in the fat cells. In response to the decrease in the amount of hormones, the body tries to soften the blow by increasing adipose tissue, and causes blurred figures. Sharply oppose him in this should not be. Otherwise there will be a health problem.

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