Sunday, February 24, 2013

Healing properties of melt water

It has long been believed that the use of melt water rejuvenates the body. Melt water is different from his usual structure more similar to the structure of the protoplasm of our cells. Properties of melt water stored up to 12 hours. Get melt water can freeze ordinary tap water into a freezer.

Those who suffer from headaches, hypertension, obesity, and anyone who wants to stay young and keep you healthy, it is recommended to drink more melted water. Such water has amazing properties: it keeps the chickens give twice the eggs, cows dramatically increase yields.
Интересное и полезное о талой воде

Used for the prevention and treatment of vascular disorders used 2-3 cups of cold melt water (you can with ice cubes). The first glass of drinking early in the morning for an hour before a meal, and the rest - for a day, an hour before the next meal. Lowest dose has an effect - 4-6 g of melt water for 1 kg of weight. In some cases, the dose should be increased (if the disease started, obesity, metabolic disorders). Apparently, the melt water not only improves the physical resources of the body, but also slows down the aging process, preventing reduction of water content in the cells, which usually occurs in old age.

People over forty years indicate that the use of melt water facilitates the work of internal organs, affects the blood, which provides full-scale operation of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, normalizes muscle, improves overall health.

Giving the human body extra energy, melt water reduces fatigue that can bypass lower-than-normal amount of food and sleep duration, significantly stimulated the vital processes, especially evident in the increasing resistance of the organism as viral diseases and cancer.

Recovering immune system, revitalizes and rejuvenates the body. The longer a person will drink the melted water, the less he needs medication. It is noticed that the very effectiveness of drugs taken from melt water increases dramatically. In patients operated faster the healing and recovery process.

People who drink melt water during fasting, almost do not feel hunger.

Helpful to melt water for children: school, for example, become more attentive, focused on employment, increases efficiency.

The experiments showed that the melt water even cures migraines, colds, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, allergies.

Beauticians recommend periodically wipe the skin on the face with ice cubes. From this exercise, the skin undergoes a light shock, blood circulation improves, the skin begins to better supplied with oxygen, stimulates regenerative processes. Very well, if you get used to wash meltwater

You can start a regular kind of water to drink, to cook it at home. According to its beneficial properties such water is as good as natural melted water. You may not immediately feel the result of its healing effect on your body, because it will take some time until the process will complete replacement of water in the tissues.

The water produced by the melting snow, heavy water content of 20-25% less than normal. The reason is simple: if condensation is a significant part of the deuterium in the atmosphere. And what is the impact of "snow water" on the body? So in one of the farms chickens drank snow water for one month become larger, delayed more eggs, and the eggs have become more severe. Pigs increased weight gain. Snow soaked in water before giving sprouting seeds and the harvest was over. Rye is grown such that harvesters could not cope.


Melt water and longevity

Almost all chemical processes that support vital functions are reduced to chemical reactions, aqueous solution - metabolism. Normal tap water that we use most often consists of heterogeneous molecules, most of which is not involved in the metabolism because of the discrepancy between the size of the membrane of our cells. If all the water molecules are smaller than the holes on the cell membrane and to pass freely through it, the chemical reaction would take place faster and more active exchange of salt.

Water is such an ideal is in the nature. It - melt water that is obtained from ice and snow. In the frozen and then thawed water molecular diameter varies and they are fully suitable hole size of the cell membrane. Melt water so much easier ordinary reacts with various substances and the body does not need to spend more energy on its restructuring. Moreover, the active metabolism of the body are derived old, damaged cells that prevent the formation of new, young. As a result of the aging process is slowed down. It is known that the main common feature for all the groups longevity of our planet is that they drink low-mineralized melt water are removed from the glacial rivers. For example, residents of the town of Pakistani Hunzakut live for 100 - 120 years old and registered cases in which men older than 100 years became fathers.


  1. Very interesting. In theory. I myself, also suspect. Glacial melt water to be healthy. I was fascinated, to read about the high life expectancy of the residents of Andorra. Also, that my own country monitors levels of tritium, another type of radioactive water. Yes. In theory, body processes. Do reduce, to chemical reactions. And, having studied Chemistry at university. I can remember, how. In theory. Radioactive water. Might, interfere with the processes, in the body. Certainly, the other extreme. Of radiation, poisoning. Like, when a nuclear reactor. Leaks radioactive water. Or other radioactive substances, causing radiation poisoning. Cancers, deaths. Horrible things. I read. Here, in the UK. Drinking water, is tested. Where, there is a chance of this type of poisoning. My sources of inspiration. Government reports, on tests which have taken place on South East England 's water. I am interested, to talk about this subject and was also inspired. To write about this.

  2. Folks, an elderly Professor in Ukraine is doing desalination and told me about the power of melt water. The molecules of water is rearranged when it becomes ice. Ice is pure but our home freezers will cause the impurities to be pushed to the centre of the ice-cubes and be trapped there. This Professor's technology grows the ice crystals outwards and all impurities are pushed away. I am helping him to bring his dream alive. I need water for my project in Tunisia and so, I am going to use his technology...if thawed water has added medical benefits, it will be a bonus. I can be reached at Eddie Leong
