Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ympotentsyya, Symptoms and treatment ympotentsyy

Erectile dysfunction - is stoykoe violation potentsyy in males. Term "ympotentsyya" rasprostranennыy Usually in circulation, not upotreblyaetsya today. Also often oshybochnыmy javljajutsja and obscheprynyatыe Criteria Disease - Modern medicine ponymaet under erectile dysfunction impossibility complete Sexual intercourse in 25% of cases, not only razovuyu problem ili absolyutnuyu nesposobnost k excitation. Neither angle penis in voltage condition, HN prezhdevremennoe ejaculation not javljajutsja symptoms ympotentsyy.

Causes ympotentsyy

For the reasons ympotentsyy When vыyasnyt, preferably concepts occurrence mechanism эrektsyy.Osnovnoy Physiological factor эrektsyy - Filling krovyu cavernous and pescherystыh phone, sostavlyayuschyh basis barrel penis. This is going on Due:

импотенция, эректильная дисфункцияexpansion arteries a male genital system, kotorыe dostavlyayut krov k penis;
rasslablenyya muskulaturы pescherystыh phone, that pozvoljaet im rasshyrytsya at Filling;
LOCK outflow of blood from the penis - as a result of expansion pescherystыh phone sdavlyvayutsya venules, in Blood kotorыm othodyt in rasslablennom condition, and potentsyya derzhytsya to ejaculation.
Эrektsyya kontrolyruetsya slozhnыmy neuro-hormonalnыmy mechanisms and nachynaetsya else in the pituitary - malenkoy, but vazhnoy part of the brain. Ymenno pituitary regulates bolshynstvo hormonal processes of the organism, in particular, the allocation of testosterone. He fall in blood aktyvyruet nervnыe fiber otvechayuschye by sokraschenye vessels and muscles, as well as posleduyuschee's rasslablenye - zapuskaet process эrektsyy and zavershaet ego.

Erectile dysfunction Orhanycheskaya

When ympotentsyya arises because of irregularities in the work of the organism, uh nazыvayut orhanycheskoy. Accordingly, k impossibility occurrence and podderzhanyya potentsyy Submissions may lead sleduyuschye the reasons:

Violation hormonalnoy rehulyatsyy - Reduction Formulation testosterone. LOW level of testosterone often swept External - Beginning from razmerov yaychek Noise Reduction and zakanchyvaya vtorychnыh of sex pryznakov (otlozhenye fat on women's type Reduction hair distribution, mild Development muskulaturы). Such a going on with:
congenital hypohonadyzme - Reduction sekretsyy real man sex hormones. This otmechaetsja else in childish age and svjazano Anyone with concomitant diseases, for example, Klinefelter syndrome - chromosomal violations.
Violation genital system development to sexual sozrevanyya period, that very zametno External. In the absence treatment razvyvaetsya evnuhoydyzm - yscheznovenye vtorychnыh real man of sex pryznakov (slabыy skeleton, women's voice, absence hair on the face and Belo lines). Is determined in childhood.
androgenic deficiency vo an adult aged Due second diseases, as a rule, hormonal - diabetes, thyroid problems, adrenal glands.
pituitary tumor - prolaktynome, increasing Formulation hormone prolactin, testosterone snyzhayuscheho sekretsyyu;
yaychek injuries with injuries zhelezystoy fabric, vыrabatыvayuschey testosterone.
Violations nervous rehulyatsyy:

problems with conductivity nervnыh fibers ryade diseases such kak bolezn Parkinson, rasseyannыy sclerosis;
neuropathy - INJURIOUS peryfyrycheskyh nervnыh fibers Saharna Diab, as well as toxic Impact - kurenyy, zloupotreblenyy alcohol.
Patolohycheskye processes in the very penis:

trauma, that can lead, for example, k Peyronie's disease - yskryvlenyyu penis in vozbuzhdennom condition as a result of prorastanyya soedynytelnoy tkanyu shells pescherystыh tel.
inflammatory Disease mochepolovoy system, including, venerycheskye. This also vedet k sclerosis - prorastanyyu soedynytelnoy tkanyu pescherystыh tel penis, that's snyzhaet эlastychnost and opportunity rasshyryatsya.
Violation vascular conduction - flow of blood rolled penis.

Atherosclerosis of arteries pelvis and penis - one of the most rasprostranennыh reasons ympotentsyy in men in age. Stenky vessels prorastayut soedynytelnoy tkanyu, teryayut its эlastychnost. The main factors of atherosclerosis - age, lifestyle, Sugar dyabet, problems with the heart and pressure;
Upotreblenye antihypertensive drugs and sylnaya fatigue - Reduction pressure operates on all sosudы organism, including, Can erectile dysfunction sprovotsyrovat vremennuyu.
Erectile dysfunction Psyholohycheskaya

Despite the prevalence orhanycheskyh problems Much portion of cases erectile dysfunction, especially in the age of 40 years javljaetsja psychological. The main signs of psychological ympotentsyy:

Availability of эrektsyy in neproyzvolnыe moments (vo CHE, p utra)
Normal potentsyya The ability and rolled ejaculation at netradytsyonnыh snoshenyy forms - oral, manual.
Problem psychological ympotentsyy Maybe stoykoy: Sometimes Requires hormonal therapy. Stressы, dlytelnoe absence of sexual kontaktov actually mogut snyzyt sekretsyyu testosterone, that obrazuet zamknutыy circle.

Treatment ympotentsyy
Scheme of treatment erectile dysfunction will napryamuyu zavyset such reasons ee development. So, if ympotentsyya voznykla against the backdrop kakoho-lybo Disease - diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis - Requires Complex therapy, napravlennaya not only on restoration potentsyy, but also on the problems of Treatment-pervoystochnyka.

In cases bolshynstve ympotentsyya successfully lechytsya terapevtycheskymy methods. Breakthrough in this area was the opening of sildenafil - the popular VYAHRЫ, kotoraja stimulates blood flow k penis. Modern preparations mogut equip and soft action, not vыzыvaya postoyannoe voltage - excitation process remains natural. Important psychological importance and make them - they vselyayut Confidence in a man in svoyh forces.

Among the extreme treatment methods ympotentsyy - ynъektsyy lekarstvennыh drugs in cavernous Body, that prymenyaetsya at HIGH slash development neobratymoho fibrosis. Radykalnыm treatment erectile dysfunction javljaetsja Prosthetics. This slozhnaya surgery is indicated for zapuschennыh situations and, despite Modern achievements this area surgery, could not be polnotsennoy zamenoy estestvennoy potentsyy for men.

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