Sunday, February 24, 2013

Application of melt water in the past

From ancient times, the melt water and glacial water is widely used in international practice. The process of receiving it is not too difficult: to bring into the house with a yard full of snow or ice tub and waited for him to melt. Currently, it is not so easy to find snow, which will turn after melting into pure, healthy water (as shown by the study of ecology, urban snow harmful compounds in the first place, benzopyrene is ten times more than all the normal MPC).

Интересное и полезное о талой водеLater, scientists found the explanation for the phenomenon of melt water - in it, compared to the usual, far fewer impurities, including isotopic molecules, where the hydrogen atom is replaced by its heavier isotope - deuterium. Melt water is considered good folk remedy to increase physical activity of the body, especially after hibernation. The villagers noticed that the animals drink the water, as soon as the fields are beginning to go to the snow, cattle drinking from puddles of melted water. In fields where melt water accumulates, the yield richer.

In the polar regions is a natural freezing of sea water, and the resulting ice can be a source of fresh water, if towing or glacial ice fields of icebergs in the warmer climates. By melting ice and meltwater from the Department of the Marine can get fresh water, in fact, at the price of towing.

The benefits of melt water and all the water for the body is known to all. Water is an essential element of all occurring in the body of vital processes, and the purity of its direct impact on the quality of these processes. There is evidence that people who use the net constantly kind of water, such as the inhabitants of the mountains, the city much longer.

One important reason for the onset of old age is related to the reduction of the body of water. Regular ordered structure of ice is ideal for the ordered structure of cell membranes.

Melt water is different from normal and that in it after freezing and subsequent thawing produces a lot of crystallization centers. Supporters treatment meltwater believe that if you drink melted water, crystallization centers absorbed and, once in the desired zone in the body, give it started a chain reaction of "freezing" of the body of water that is recovered is necessary for the life of a regular structured "ice structure," and with her all the full life functions.

From a scientific point of view, the water in its structure is a hierarchy of regular three-dimensional structures, which are based on crystal-like formation - clusters consisting of 57 molecules and interact with each other through free hydrogen bonds. This was proved in 1999 by famous Russian researcher SV water Zenin.

Structural unit of this water is a cluster of clathrates, the nature of which is due to long-range Coulomb forces. The structure Clastres encoded information about the interactions that took place between these water molecules. In water clusters due to the interaction between covalent and hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atoms and the hydrogen atoms may be migration of a proton (H +) on the relay mechanism, leading to the delocalization of the proton in the cluster.

Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto has spent more than a wonderful experience with the water. It found that no two samples of water does not form a completely identical crystals during freezing, and that their form reflects the properties of water, carries the information of the effects exerted by the water.

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