Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weight Loss Products

Grapefruit lowers insulin levels, which is why there is less desirable. Found in grapefruit essential oils and organic acids play an important role in digestion: stimulate metabolism, increase production of digestive juices, improves digestion and absorption of food. Also the fruit perfectly out of the body the excess liquid, activates fat burning by enzyme substances, promote digestion and promotes weight loss, cleanse the body of toxins.

If you eat half a grapefruit for 15 minutes before a meal, then a week you can lose about 1 kg. American nutritionists recommend including this fruit in many diets for weight loss, because it nizkokalorien, and from preparing delicious desserts. Besides grapefruits contain nutrients that help in handling days avoiding attacks lethargy, drowsiness and dizziness.


Lettuce - a source of vitamins, minerals, and organic acids. It improves the blood and the body's metabolism, helping to burn fat, activates digestion, rebukes scarring, has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces high blood pressure, slightly diuretic and laxative action, displays the body of bad cholesterol and prevents the accumulation of salts in the body.

Of all types of salads, use extreme care as cut-sheet in pots and arugula. Lettuce normalize digestion and has a mild choleretic effect and other varieties of arugula increasingly affects metabolism and appetite suppression.


For the figure is hardly more useful product of fish. Fish, especially marine, replenishes your body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are considered to be indispensable, as human tissue can not synthesize them. These acids are called omega-3, they are combined into a group of vitamin F.

Fatty acids play an important role in the metabolism of the body, in particular solvents are vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vitamins, in turn, are part of enzymes that break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Also contained in marine fish fatty acids Omega-3 and iodine care for heart and thyroid hormones are responsible for the body.

Slimming better prepare the fish for a couple to keep all its nutritional quality. And do not get carried away too much fatty fish. They can afford sometimes. The main emphasis is on low-fat varieties - cod, saffron cod, pollock, Hecke, icy, flounder, etc.


All kinds of cabbage - cabbage, broccoli, Chinese, color, purple, or any other - a very useful and contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. Cabbage - is a source of vitamins A, C, E, K, PP, U, B vitamins, and minerals - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese and fluoride.

The most important quality of cabbage - its so-called zero calories. The fact that the body spends its processing as much energy as is contained in the product.

Cabbage fiber helps to improve digestion and normalizes the process of absorption of nutrients, cleansing the intestines of toxins. It acts like a broom, sweeping everything unnecessary from the gastrointestinal tract. A antioxidant complexes cabbage improve immunity.

A place of honor is seaweed (kelp Laminaria), rich in iodine. As you know, needs iodine to the thyroid. Indeed, hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormones) develop obesity, edema, lethargy thinking. So often include this cabbage in your diet.


In buckwheat contains a lot of protein and very little carbohydrates, of which often get better. The protein content of this cereal is 11%, which is higher than in other grains, so it gives long lasting satiety.

Buckwheat is also rich in amino acids, iron, and vitamins. These are vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, P (rutin). Well absorbed in the body contained in buckwheat minerals: iodine, salt, calcium, phosphorus, oxalic acid.

Buckwheat has a positive effect on the liver, the activity of the intestines. Krupa perfectly normalizes gastrointestinal tract, helps reduce cholesterol levels.

For fasting days for buckwheat groats taken, pour boiling water in the evening and leave for the night. For 1 cup of buckwheat - 2 cups boiling water. Porridge is eaten without salt. You can add 1% yogurt - up to 1 liter.

Sour milk: cottage cheese and yogurt

Dairy products are rich in B vitamins, ability to remove intestinal toxins, and contain beneficial bacteria.

Cottage cheese contains easily digestible protein, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, so long saturates the body. It is a powerful means to stimulate metabolism and increase energy expenditure. This explains the practice of so-called cake days, helping to stimulate the body to rapidly lose weight.

Eating yogurt is not only good that can effectively fight obesity, but also by the fact that in a relatively short period of time is able to supply the body with calcium, which, in turn, would be beneficial for the nails, teeth, hair, bones, and reduce the the risk of such diseases as osteoporosis.

It is also important to note that the protein contained in the curd, quickly and easily absorbed by the body, making it more attractive than the protein found in meat, fish or milk.

But kefir - a famous diet product that helps not only lose weight but also improve gastrointestinal tract microflora and restore the damaged clean slag. In this nutritious yogurt, and it is easy to lose weight. Choose only the smallest percentage of fat.


Green tea - a great drink for weight loss. Filling microelements, it actively burns fat, and is a powerful antioxidant that is binds and removes free radicals, thus body healthy body.

This tea promotes weight loss, since it includes substances that promote the active fat burning. Green tea increases metabolism and speeds up digestion, which is conducive to the figure. Asian nutritionists recommend drinking 4 cups a day of green tea, it will give the best effect to burn fat.

It is important to remember that you can not drink green tea after a meal, as it reduces peristalsis and the food indigestible. It is best to drink it between meals or at least 30 minutes.


In the East, ginger is traditionally used for weight loss, improved digestion and treatment of many diseases. Ginger rhizomes contain essential oil, the main components of which - gingerol and shogaol, substance, giving it a spicy, pungent taste. Both substances increase blood flow and warm inside. As a consequence, stimulate digestion and metabolism. That is ginger accelerates internal processes, eliminates toxins, and tea from it the sensation of hunger, promotes weight loss and increases the metabolism in the body.

Ginger tea for weight loss can be made, the Gulf of one teaspoon of grated ginger with boiling water, let stand and strain. Add lemon and a teaspoon of honey. According to the followers of Ayurveda, this drink includes three flavors: spicy, sweet and sour, and is shown to those who have everything flows in the body slowly and only fat accumulates quickly.

But remember: Ginger - a very active product and the habit and half a cup of ginger for weight loss can throw hot. It is believed that in the day you can have no more than one and a half liters of tea. It is also important to accept that there are a number of contraindications ginger: ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, cholelithiasis, also better without ginger for pregnant and nursing mothers.


Good help burn fat burning capsicum and all its variants, black pepper, mustard, horseradish and garlic.

Every time we add to foods hot spices, we lose weight, as this speeds up the production of food energy in the body (the process of thermogenesis) and burns excess fat cells, lower rates of insulin. For example, chili pepper, which contains the substance kapsatsin, melt the extra calories for 20 minutes after a meal. Horseradish and mustard increase blood circulation, effectively cleans the blood vessels from cholesterol, has the same properties of garlic.

Naturally, hot spices can only be those who have no problems with digestion.

Olives and olive oil

With any diet, the body needs vegetable fats. Of course, in small doses: 1-2 tsp. enough in the diet. But what kind of fat you choose? British nutritionists prefer olive oil, since that will help to lose weight.

Its value for a balanced diet, as well as for weight loss, can not be overemphasized. Test results have shown that regular consumption of olive oil or olive oil promotes weight loss. These products lead to normal-fat and salt in the body, reduce cholesterol in the blood, contributing to weight loss. Enough to eat or drink 8.6 olives 1 tsp olive oil every morning for several weeks.

In addition, olives improve overall health. The complex of nutrients contained in the fruit, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, liver and digestive system.

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