Thursday, February 21, 2013

In the United States has found Try rolled vaccine strains of pertussis

In America risen Quantity diseases pertussis. Researchers vыyasnyly that this is svjazano with the new strains Disease, ustoychyvыm k vaccine.

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Researchers has found in the U.S. The first cases of Pertussis Disease, vыzvannыm microorganisms, ustoychyvыmy k vaccine. Representatives organs of Health yzuchayut These cases and pыtayutsya concepts with something ones mogut byt svyazanы.

Whooping cough - very zaraznoe Disease, kotoroe Can plagues dear people age, but most opasen pertussis for children. After Introduction vaccines in 1940 year, The number of cases Disease эtym sokratylos ailments. But in the Latest Years number of patients was uvelychyvatsya. Specialists vыdvynuly predpolozhenye, that wine Told versions vaccines, yspolzovavshyesya s 1990-ies, kotorыe ceased to work. Yes, According DATA centers on control and prevention diseases, in the past year whooping zabolelo 41,880 people, 18 of them skonchalos.
Researchers have come withdrawal of k, that Flash Light vыzval a new pertussis strains. Experts not dumayut, that on more than opasen, however, by s opinion, the vaccine protects not from him.
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We need also be noted, that Messages on detection Similarly vozbudytelya illness also acted from Japan, France and Finland. And frantsuzskye scientists vыyasnyly, that vaccine snyzhaet risk of disease development, though not daet Full, protection from nee. There are currently known, something 14 percent of cases of Pertussis Disease Association of France vыzvano join the new strains of pertussis.
In the U.S., doctors, diagnosis When set, Usually polahayutsya on Express test. Dopolnytelnыe checking in the laboratory were not carried out, so the Unknown, As far prevalent strains.

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