Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to Get Rid of Hiccups

Ordinary hiccups can be a great person to catch. When she drags (occasionally a few, even up to six days), the person is hefty hard tires, his nervous system is overtaxing

Hiccups - it is a well-known and unpleasant disease. Usually it is caused by spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm. Hiccups is a specific characteristic of a short steep sound during inspiration. As usual, hiccups suddenly appears, and so powerful that lost chance to talk.

Reasons hiccups

Hiccups often hurts the people who are subject to continuous stress. Causes of hiccups can be a nervous shock, hypothermia, excessive alcohol consumption, and other crowded stomach. Rarely - hiccups can be a sign of an illness.

There are a few folk and primitive methods of getting rid of hiccups

suck half a lemon
swallow a small number finely written ice
drink ice water or sugar water cool
slowly eat a piece of stale bread
massage huge finger solid firmament
rapidly breathe into a paper bag (not plastic)
grab your fingers and tongue gently pull it forward
tilt your head back, hold your breath and count to 10, after rapidly exhale and drink a glass of water
As soon as the hiccups, reduce fingertips pinky and thumb (as in Order to form a ring), do it on both hands. Play with your fingers, keeping and breeding them several times
Pour a glass of entry and drink it. Must drink a strange method. Hold the glass upright, not tilt it to yourself. Pull the neck so, that chin rested on the cutting edge of the glass, and his lips covered the far edge, rather 3.2 sips.

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