Jericho story began when he stopped eating cooked food, and lived only on fruits.
Jericho: It was when I lived in Bristol, I moved on to fruit. It was a traumatic experience, to say the least. I would say that it is difficult to even find the words to describe what happened, what it was at first. But one day I woke up in a typical day, usually in the morning and just felt clogged, stuck in depression, I could not understand why. When it's time to eat something, I do not want it, something was not right. I decided to continue this morning as usual, but could not, something was not right. The upshot was that I forced myself to eat, but I actually did not want to. I tried myself to understand why that happens. And that's what I did: just sat and pondered, wondered why I was not good. I was full of slime, I could not even do a full breath, I have here (points to stomach) was so much dross! I felt depressed, it was something that has so much time coming. And I just started thinking, because tence of what I felt I had no unfounded.
I looked at myself in the mirror, and something in me said, "Take the day off and just buy the fruit." And for some reason I found it very attractive and I did so, I followed my intuition. I went to the local Indian market, it was a huge store with fruits from around the world, and I bought a melon, grapes, mangoes, and dried figs. And I come home on the bike and all ate, and I remember it was a great feeling! It seemed so natural, I felt like I always did .. And in fact, it was the opposite, I almost did not eat fruit. So that only heaven knows why I wanted fruit. As I said, this has included the alarm, because it was the first time I realized the voice of your intuition and listen to it. And like I said, I myself felt great, it was like a breath of fresh air ... great it was literally as if my body said Ooooh!
He liked it so much that state that it and the next day was to eat fruit and began to experiment with different types. Initially, his diet was successful, but a week later he encountered the first difficulties.
I was very good at first, did not want anything other than fruit. And after the seventh day .. Boom ... started detoxification, and I do not know about it ... I was leafing through a book on raw food diet, and I did not have access to the Internet to view and examine it. I remember that I ordered some fruktarianskie magazines, or rather, some pamphlets. Before that I did not know what frutarianstvo exists. I thought I was the only frutarianets, and that is what I came up with the word "frutarianstvo." So he began to rely on their own intuition to get through the hard times.
"Honeymoon" is over, began detoxification, I've been in touch 7 days, and 7 days with serious flu symptoms that I have ever had .. I thought it was just in time to begin flu ... I did not find this detoxification,. purification, because nothing did not know .. So I did what anyone would do: I blamed the fruit. "It's because I got sick of fruit, it is because I have the flu fruit ... if the fruit was so useful, I would not have flu .. "So I went back to cooked food, and soon it was over for me to confirm that this is the wrong direction. On fruit, I felt some improvement in myself a little bit easier and more positive, as if I had fallen from the shoulders of the mountain ..
And when I went back to cooked food, all the problems came back pretty quickly, and it was a confirmation to me that the problem is in the prepared food. So I do not want to eat, as if my body had enough.
As detoxification Jericho did not occur to seek help from health professionals to alleviate his condition. With courage and intuition, he continued his new diet, experimenting with his body as he can take ... and went ahead to get rid of dependence in the prepared food.
In the beginning I did not have the tools to go through every day. In fact, my tools has always been cooked food, and I realized that we depend on it, as the drug. My God, I slipped in two, half past two nights to buy french fries, ... God knows why I had to sneak out at night in secret, but I said to myself: "I will frutariantsem I'll frutariantsem ..", and then I broke down, and as it were a secret from myself this was going to buy a potato .. I overeat ... And the naked eye people would say, 'You know, you have an eating disorder, stop with these fruits and eat normal food. ". But it was just a process slezaniya with drugs. And I did the same thing, that would make a drug addict, or going out of the binge drinker, which slide back .. Quite the same way. But we do not look at the processed food like a drug ..
Detoxification period to Jericho was a great experience, his ego and sense of self are tested for strength ..
The hardest part for me is that I went through a difficult childhood, and continued tough sport Rugby League professionally. I played for my country, as an amateur and turned professional, and it was an achievement. I played against the biggest stars with a known name, from different stran.I I thought that for me the transition to fruterianstvo be easy. But it was the opposite ... And the fact that I had to take that seriously broke me. It was a big blow to my ego, and I learned that willpower is not to blame, and it is not related to success. Because, as I said, I overeat, I rolled back to the processed food often. This was repeated and repeated .... But the mind goes a step forward ... and at some point, when the mind is in despair, he's playing with you a joke - in a moment: do you feel as strong as I do not know that, and the next minute you're eating fries or a big apple pie or whatever ...
We continue to talk about the process of Jericho Sunfire, which he was to become pranoedom ... He did not make a conscious decision to give up food, it happened naturally. His way to live solely on the cosmic energy, began with fruit ...
You'll find that go and buy the most stupid product that you can find ... you usually do not even eat when fed cooked food ... But just to kill, just to be justified, they say, so what if I take this? It will be ok .... You will be the one-Which thrust, which will make you choose the most crazy things, because the power of the will can not cope with this ..
Without any system or support, Jericho relied only on their own intuition and self-knowledge to get through difficulties. Often it was not easy and successful.
I tried everything, I'm going to fist all his will: "I will not do it, I will not do that ..". I experienced all of the known human motivation - and the result was a complete knockout, I was shattered with no chance. And my detox process, dependence on cooked food just off the chain broke down, nothing could stop them ... So the only thing that honestly has done its job, it's cleansing.
Fortunately, he discovered the flushing saline solution, which has helped in the process of detoxification ..
For me wash with salt water was very efficient ... I was struck by the amount of dirt that was in me even after seven days fruktoedeniya. And it made me realize the work I have to do. A day in the life-fruktariantsa for me was hell until I found this rinsing with salt water. Also a day of life was to me a victim ... I took a hundred-o-nly time cleansing, detoxification. Because it is on a very long process ... and purification of salt water greatly facilitates my condition, it was a small point of light at the end of my tunnel, a very long dark tunnel. I can not even tell you how difficult for me was the process.
Jericho knew frutarianstvo-the first step in the discovery process of our spiritual self, when cope with the challenges of our reason, when you come to the opening itself, and in due time to the ownership of another.
People think that the move to frutarianstvu simply a couple of weeks and everything will be fine. But this is not the case. This is the first initiation into the higher levels of consciousness.
And access to the higher levels of consciousness is the root that lowers your consciousness and your vibrations are created by man-processed food. Because if you think about it: man-made artificial food, absolutely nothing to do with your body is not.
During the transition to frutarianstvo I was often unhappy, but I was also in top form, it was a process slezaniya with cooked food. And I had to go through this process ..
What was it like to go through a process of purification? Jericho had to go on a mental and physical level ..
I had to deal with the cleansing, detoxification, abstinence syndrome. My mind would ask, "why I can not eat? This is what I always did, this is what you do. And then I say, "No, I have to eat fruit."
Adaptation took place on many levels, and it was unpleasant.
Jericho went through a series of states during the process of detoxification.
Many detox symptoms were from the fact that I did not eat cooked food. It was a process of withdrawal from addiction. I've got headaches. Previously, they were not, and then they began to appear at the base of the neck. This is very annoying headaches, very annoying. And one day, I walked the streets literally able to fight with anyone. Someone bumped into me on the street - and I was ready to swear, fight,. Someone looked at me wrong, and once again had a fight .. My detox symptoms were like the flu at an early stage. Largely from the fact that I went through was like a lethargy, I was in a great depression ... Music, I knew that this was due to the passage of the process, I knew it was not just fruit make me sick ... and the symptoms of detoxification.
I was approached by the five-year children and asked, "Why are you so thin?", And I was so hurt ... I'm not very well take the whole weight of the lottery ..
During this time of transition to frutarianstvu, fluids, prana, and changes in consciousness during the process, Jericho can look back and explain the weight loss.
All this I was very twisted, and in fact it was a great weight loss.
In fact, all the years of the process, I draw water and fat. What I ate was toxic, and my body stores water to neutralize it. And I was fat, I was sore. And anyone looking to move to the raw food diet and hopping between raw and cooked food will know that you swell and become inflamed. I've had so much experience with throws of frukterianstva-in cooked food that I knew and saw that I was sore. These were not the muscles, it was sore and it was something from which I got rid of.
When I moved to frutarianstvu, and did not consume cooked food, I do not store water, this was not necessary.
After he had always eaten cooked food, body Jericho needed time to get rid of all the toxins.
My body secretes fluids, fluids that so long preserved. Can you imagine what a mess? And all these things inside of you with the fat from the partially digested fat, toxic, like what the hell! It's not even out when cleaning, because not everything that you remove, leaves at a time. Even when flushing with salt water - it should be done a few days. Our insides twisted and overwhelmed by the power of cooked food ... so not all go ... Some things are hidden in crevices and folds of the intestine does not go so far until it starts blowing down, and all the bodies are returned to the original state.
Despite the difficulties of the physical and mental, which he passed, Jericho has never felt in danger, or that he needs medical attention.
I took the weight loss, as if it was a blind faith, I did not even think about it. It was unpleasant, it bothered me in the sense that I do not look cool. I'm more worried about health, but I never felt in danger, I never felt sick. I felt it as, "You know what? Live through this and you'll be all right "
Unlike other frutariantsev who have problems with their teeth, Jericho was a different experience.
It's just transformed my mouth. He was so fresh, so much better, teeth harder, did not accumulate plaque from cooked artificial food. So I have not had the problems that people were saying. I regularly used the citric acid.
When I felt the shift, my teeth have shifted, as more inflammation was not .. and then I realized that we are inflamed on every level. So when the inflammation goes away, everything goes back to the original size, everything starts to shrink, move ... and especially the teeth .. From here takes the pain .. I had before, which had a toothache, but when I became frutariantsem, my teeth are in top shape. I spent three years on the fruit, whole fruit, juice and citrus. I made orange juice. This was in the late stages frutarianstva ... When I had recovered frutarianstvom, I switched to the liquid. I felt my teeth rejuvenation. my mouth. At this point, I went through the most difficult part of detoxification, when all is ustakanilos in terms of feelings, body odor, the heavy breathing and things like that. My mouth has never felt better.
From Jericho fruterianstva naturally turned to food liquids. At this time, the process was much easier, as the most difficult part of detoxification Jericho took place during the stage frutarianstva.
This series tells the story of Jericho more period, he was to become pranoedom. He did not take a conscious decision to become pranoedom, it happened naturally. His way to live solely on the cosmic energy, began with fruit. Then with frutarianstva Jericho naturally turned to liquid.
I had no plans to switch to a liquid. I learned about the liquid diet, once fully settled into frutarianstve. And then I found out that's already moved on to liquids naturally for three years before I reached the summit in frutarianstve. People forget or do not realize that when you make a transition, the transition process and the initiation of overlap. So, for example, once you got used to the half frutarianstve, you already start to initiate nutrition fluids.
Jericho felt that he is an elusive process of transition to a liquid diet for the past three years frutarianskogo lifestyle.
I bl frutariantsem about 10 years, so the last few years, just go to a liquid diet. And, as I said, I did not even know about the liquid diet until I saw it on the internet and did not realize that that's what I'm doing!
During the transition to the fruit juice process was much easier, as the most difficult stages of detoxification he experienced during the period frutarianstva. This time it was more of a spiritual experience.
I felt adaptations were again playing mind, but my mind has worked with me! I conquered my mind ... On the contrary, my mind let me go - Divine timing ... everything else - spiritual connection. My mind lets me, he worked with me, he knew exactly what I wanted. But this time it was different. Not only in the physical sense. Most of the physical was done, most of my rejuvenation, my brittle recovery has been done. Most of affection was developed. Getting rid of the habit of eating cooked happened.
So nutritional liquids it is otherwise, it was knowledge, but in a different way. And it taught me a lot on my mind at this time. These were things more rationally. It was more due to the spiritual habits.
Jericho to choose the way in pranoedenie was an easy decision.
Did I want to stay in the comfort zone, or trying to follow the path and take everything not encountered along the way? I had to do two things: to sit down and look into his soul and decide what I want.
I had to account for all meals: frutarianstvo, food liquids, all through what I went through ... I had to decide what I wanted to do. I had to make sense of where I was, what I learned, ... and I took the call Pranoedeniya. I took the time I was thinking through what was, where he was ... I laughed, I cried, I went through every emotion! I was angry and kicked the stones, I was angry at all the long night. This is how strong was this whole process. It was a journey of discovery itself, then, after that I never went. I think many people do not pass through it.
Since Jericho went through detoxification and cleansing process during fraturianstva fluids and nutrition, the process of transition to pranoedeniyu for him was relatively easy.
Pranoedenie is so nice! .. very nice! .. because I had done all the work I've done most of the work. So now I get the benefit of food liquids.
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